Friday, May 31, 2024

World No Tobacco Day(31th May)


Every year on 31st May, World No Tobacco day is organized by World Health Organization to promote the awareness about the risk related to the consumption of tobacco and its product and its ill affect on the family, society and environment.

Tobacco use and its consumption is one of the leading cause of many types of cancer, like lungs, larynx mouth, esophagus, throat, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukaemia. It is estimated that over 1 crore people are killed every year due to the consumption of tobacco.

Tobacco not only affects the health but also impacts the environment badly in many ways.

World No Tobacco Day 2024 Theme

This year, 2024, the World No Tobacco Day Theme is "protecting children from tobacco industry interference." The theme advocates for an end to the targeting of youth with dangerous tobacco products. The theme's motive is to raise attention to the tobacco industry's predatory techniques, which target young individuals to maximize profits over time.

Year By Year Themes for World No Tobacco Day:

  • World No Tobacco Day 2023 Theme: We need food, not tobacco
  • World No Tobacco Day 2022 Theme: Tobacco: Threat to our Environment
  • World No Tobacco Day 2021 Theme: Commit to quit
  • World No Tobacco Day 2020 Theme: Tobacco Exposed
  • World No Tobacco Day 2019 Theme: Tobacco and lung health
  • World No Tobacco Day 2018 Theme: Tobacco and heart disease

Importance of World No Tobacco Day (WNTD)

Around the world, about 35 lakh hectares of land are used for tobacco farming annually. The annual deforestation caused by tobacco farming is estimated at 2 lakh hectares. Tobacco production has a significantly greater devastating effect on ecosystems because tobacco farmlands are more prone to desertification (loss of biological productivity) in comparison to other agricultural activities such as maize growing and livestock grazing. In addition, growing tobacco requires heavy use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides that might result in the depletion of soil fertility, resulting in reducing the production of other food crops.

Sustainable food production in poor and middle-income nations could be jeopardised if tobacco were grown as a commercial crop. The majority (90%) of the largest tobacco-growing regions are low- and middle-income countries, where four countries are into the category of low-income food-deficit nations. 

In light of the above scenarios, there is an immediate need for legislative action to curb tobacco cultivation and assist farmers in transitioning to the cultivation of other food crops. World No Tobacco Day successfully achieves the aforementioned dictums by conducting campaigns with annual themes. 

How Smoking and Tobacco Consumption Impacts the Health?

Tobacco consumption and smoking affects our health in number of ways, it could be reason for the following fatal diseases:

  • cancer of digestive system like GERD, Achalasia Cardia (pancreas, stomach, mouth, liver, rectum, colon, and esophagus)
  • neurovascular complications and neurological disorders along with other neuro related disease like stroke, Small Vessel Ischemic Disease of the Brain (SVID) and vascular dementia 
  • heart disease
  • lung diseases
  • diabetes 
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • tuberculosis
  • certain eye diseases

How Tobacco is Effecting Environment?

  • around 35 lakhs hectares of land are destroyed to grow tobacco every year globally
  • tobacco cultivation accounts for the deforestation of 2,00,000 hectares and soil degradation every year
  • around 4.5 lakh crore cigarette butts are not disposed properly every year globally
  • generating 80 crore kg of toxic waste every year and releasing thousands of chemicals into the air, water and soil
  • use of a large amount of water to cultivate tobacco, depleting water from planet

Main Goal of "World No-Tobacco Day"

  • creating awareness among the tobacco users, about the impact of complete tobacco life cycle from its cultivation, production, distribution , its uses and waste management, basically to educate and give them enough reason to quit it.
  • focuses to eradicate diseases and death caused by the consumption of tobacco and smoking
  • highlighting the fraud of tobacco companies of marketing their product as environmental friendly
  • campaign also aims at policymakers and government to make strict policy and guidelines and strengthen the existing policy to hold tobacco producers responsible for tobacco product waste for damaging environment.

Tips to abstain from smoking

The following factors can aid in smoking cessation

  • Using nicotine replacement therapy
  • Avoiding triggering areas such as bars 
  • Chewing sugarless gum or hard candy to resist tobacco cravings
  • Distracting oneself and moving to a smoke-free zone to overcome a tobacco craving
  • Daily exercise
  • Trying alternate relaxation techniques to reduce stress, such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, yoga, and music

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