Thursday, June 6, 2024

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस (05 जून 2024) प्रश्नोंतरी



All the  Students will play this quiz and on scoring more than 40 % marks you will automatically get  e certificate in your mail.

Get the colour printout of your certificate and get a selfie with it in  your scout and guide/School Uniform and post in your class WhatsApp group.Your Selfie phographs will be be posted on Library Blog in the evening today only 

Note: *Its compulsory for Scouts,Guides,Bulbuls and Cubs to attempt this quiz*

                * Keep your printed certificate in your Bharat scouts and Guide Activity File for later submission

Celebration of World Environment Day: SPEECH BY BS&G Students

Speech on Importance of Celebrating World Environment Day by Scouts and Guide Students

Ms Lopamudra Das ,Guide 
Class IX D

Master Aditya Narayan Tiwari, Scout
Class VI C

Ms. Aaradhya Sharama,Guide
Class VI C


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस (वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम ) ( 05 जून 2024)

 केन्द्रीय विद्यालय प्रगति विहार के विद्यार्थियों द्वारा विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर वृक्षारोपण  का कार्य किया गया । 

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हिन्दी भाषा प्रश्नोंतरी 2024 (हिन्दी पखवाड़ा)

👉 हिन्दी भाषा प्रश्नोंतरी 
